What to expect when you come to worship with us at Shepherd of the Lakes:

Worship services are every Sunday at 9:30am. In between services, come join the conversation about God’s Word during Bible Class beginning at 10:45am!

Many having had children of their own, members certainly understand and recognize the importance of having children in church. It is certainly wonderful and Godly to have children in church! However, they also understand needing a quiet place for your children at times. Should you need a quiet place with your child during the service, a cry room is always open in just outside of the worship space where you may go at any time!


What about the offering?

Our offering is not a debt we owe God, but a way that we return to God a portion of what he has generously given us. Our motivation, then, is not obligation, but love for God. Out of love and thanks to God, the members of Shepherd of the Lakes have joined together to carry out the Lord’s word here in Fairmont and around the world. As our guest, you need not feel obligated to participate in the weekly offering that supports our ministry.


Lutheran Worship is Distinct:

2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


Christ came into the world to remove the guilt of our sin and to give us new life with him.

As Lutherans, we gather:

  • to hear God's Word

  • to thank God for what Jesus has done

  • to receive forgiveness in the Lord's Supper

  • to encourage one another in Christian living

Sunday worship is the regular and full expression of this Gospel relationship we have with our God. 

We hear God speak through his Word.

We give thanks for all that our Lord has done - especially the forgiveness of sins through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Free.  Complete.  

This cycle of receiving from God and giving to God is distinctively Christian.  You will recognize this cycle in our worship services.

Worship that follows this cycle is called "liturgical worship."

Through congregational hymns, spoken responses, Bible readings, psalms, and Gospel-rich sermons, fellow Christians join together to remind one another of God’s mercy and grace - as well as encourage one another in truth and love.